It’s Back to School Time….with Covid!

It’s Back to School Time….with Covid!

It’s Back to School Time….with Covid! 150 150 2am Parenting

The back-to-school buzz normally begins with supply lists, schedules from the school, and finding out our teacher assignments for the year.  This year’s back to school time is unlike any other we’ve ever experienced.  We’ve all been on pins and needles waiting to learn whether or not our children would go back to school after the end of the 2019-2020 school year came to an abrupt halt. 

Covid-19 hit and hit us hard. None of us were prepared and none of us know what to expect in the days or months to come.  That’s what makes this back to school time so much harder.  How do we prepare our own hearts and minds along with the hearts and minds of our kids for social distancing while at school, wearing masks while in the classroom, for eating lunch at your desk and possibly not having recess or gym?

All of these thoughts proved to be too much for my anxious mind to take! Having two children who are considered “higher risk” has kept me on edge more than I care to admit. Thinking about sending them to school, without me being there to monitor their interactions takes the anxiety into overdrive so I have to STOP. BREATHE. PRAY.

STOP thinking about the what if’s and analyzing the unknowns. 

BREATHE knowing that God is always in control. 

PRAY that this will turn out to be one of the best years yet

PRAY that neither of my boys contracts Covid-19 and the many, many kids around our city, state and country also stay healthy and safe.

PRAY for the safety and health of the teachers and staff because let’s face it, no one has considered them or their families.

PRAY this virus goes away soon.

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