A Season of Gratitude

A Season of Gratitude

A Season of Gratitude 150 150 2am Parenting

A Season of Gratitude

It’s the most wonderful time of year! There is so much joy in the air, and we are all focusing on positive things that make us happy.

The month of November, in particular, is usually the month that causes us to reflect and give thanks, while focusing on things to be grateful for.

It’s during this time of year that we make a conscious choice to elevate the things in our lives that are going well or that have made a positive impact.  While the year 2020 has been different, and some might even say difficult, it still has given us plenty of reasons to be thankful.

What are we grateful for?

We’ve challenged ourselves to elevate gratefulness this month.  Here are 5 things we cannot help but to be thankful for in this season: 

  1. A warm and cozy home to be quarantined in most of this year.
  2. Family and friends are a huge part of our lives and we are truly grateful for each of them.
  3. Money…..money to pay bills, money to afford insulin, money to afford the astronomical cost of groceries and cleaning supplies and so on!
  4. Our family’s health.
  5. Our boys! They’ve been amazing (surprisingly) throughout quarantine this year.

Take some time each time to jot down one or more things to be grateful for. Take a screenshot of our template below, save it in your phone and think of something (s) to be grateful for each day!

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