There’s So Much Stuff!

There’s So Much Stuff!

There’s So Much Stuff! 150 150 2am Parenting

There’s So Much Stuff! 

Let me preface this first by proclaiming that I am an organized person by nature.   Things not having a place or things not being organized will drive me crazy!  Now that that has been said,  when my son was diagnosed with type one diabetes, I was not prepared for the amount of stuff that would need a place.  From the insulin to the insulin pens to the needles… the pods, the Dexcom sensors and the medical supplies…the pouches, the juice boxes, and don’t forget the snacks–all needing a space to call their own.  So much stuff came with Type 1 Diabetes!  Being a “TYPE A” organized person, my mind just went right into gear– How can I keep all of these things organized day in and day out?

We all know that Type 1 can send you on a whirlwind each day.  We must be able to think FAST and get things we need right away.  

Here are a few F.A.S.T. tips that come to mind: 

Take my word for it, you’ll be much happier knowing where things are when those 2am moments come calling.   

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